A Builder, Creator, and Change-leader

As a Certified Association Executive (CAE), Ainsley is skilled in organizational planning and management. Nonprofit leaders and boards bring in Ainsley for her ability to build, create and change. Whether it is to build a new program, change and restructure existing services, or help an agency to restructure and close aspects of their operations, Ainsley helps decision makers plan for a new future.

An Excellent Communicator

Whether it is emotionally-drivien copy designed for donors, simplifying complex information into plain lanaguage to help leaders make a decision, or developing a strategic communications plan to secure support and buy-in, Ainsley writes for the audience. How something is communicated can make or break an idea, a proposed change, or a decision. 

A Trained Researcher

As a trained researcher with a Masters in Sociology, Ainsley ensures decisions are evidence-based and is skilled in qualitative data collection. Funders need evidence of need for new programs, and nonprofit leaders and boards need data to support their decision making when deciding the future of a service. 

A Strong Fundraiser

A Certified Fundraising Executive since 2020, Ainsley has been leading fundraising activities in the area of grant writing, direct mail, major gifts, planned giving, communcations, social media, and volunteering. 

Advocate for Health, Housing, and Community-led Planning

For over 20 years, Ainsley has been working in a wide range of areas across the voluntary sector, including: women’s health; sexual and reproductive health; Indigenous health; infectious and chronic disease (heart health, respiratory health, kidney disease, breast cancer, and HIV/AIDS); housing instability and houselessness; and income security/disability supports.

She is currently doing a Certificate in Sustainable Planning and Development through Seneca, and is advocating for the non-profit sector to take a greater role in redeveloping properties for social purpose housing.